Student Housing
Taipei Tech Dormitories include different residence halls that are situated on-campus and off-campus. The average traveling time from Taipei Tech off-campus dormitory to the campus is approximately 25-35 minutes via Taipei Metro.
New students are eligible to reside at Taipei Tech
Dormitories for the first 2 years.
Residence spaces at Taipei Tech Dormitories from the 3rd year onwards will be decided by lottery and not guaranteed to all. Students entering their 3rd year of study should be prepared to reside elsewhere. Please note that dorm spaces are not
guaranteed for Spring Intake students.
For the first year, all foreign students who have applied for Taipei Tech Dormitories will be allocated to the Taipei Tech On-campus Dormitory.
For the second year, male foreign students who have applied for Taipei Tech Dormitories will be allocated to the residence hall at the Xinbei (Haishan) off-campus Dormitory. Females will be allocated to Nangang Dormitory.
Taipei Tech On-Campus Dormitory (East Dorm)
All first-year students who have applied for Taipei Tech Dormitories are allocated to the residence hall at Taipei Tech (a.k.a. Taipei Tech On-campus Dormitory).
Address: No.81, Sec 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan
臺北市大安區建國南路一段81號 國立臺北科技大學東校區宿舍
Room Type: 4-person rooms
Cost: NTD 9,900 per semester, plus NTD 1,000 deposit, which will be refunded when checking out. There is a 50% discount for Overseas Chinese students. Extra fees will be charged for using air-conditioners and laundry machines.
For travel directions, please refer to the Transportation and Dormitories Sections in the Guide for New Students.
Taipei Tech Nangang Off-Campus Dormitory (females only)
All second-year female students who have applied for Taipei Tech Dormitories will be allocated to the residence hall at the Taipei Municipal Nangang Vocational High School (a.k.a. Nangang Dormitory).
The hall is located at a 5-minute walking distance from the Nangang Taipei Metro Station. The traveling time from Nangang Metro Station to Taipei Tech (Zhongxiao Xinsheng Metro Station) is approximately 15 minutes and the cost is NT$25 per trip.
Address: 5F., NTUT Dormitory, No. 29 Xingzhong Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan
11579臺北市南港區興中路29號 北科大宿舍5樓
Room Type: 4-person rooms
Cost: NTD 9,000 per semester, plus NTD 1,000 deposit, which will be refunded when checking out. There is a 50% discount for Overseas Chinese students. Extra fees will be charged for using air-conditioners and laundry machines.
For travel directions, please refer to the Dormitories Section in the Guide for New Students.
Taipei Tech Xinbei (Haishan) Off-Campus Dormitory (males only)
All second-year male students who have applied for Taipei Tech Dormitories will be allocated to the residence hall at the New Taipei Municipal New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School (a.k.a. Xinbei (Haishan) Dormitory).
The hall is located at a 5-minute walking distance from the Haishan Taipei Metro Station. The traveling time from Haishan Metro Station to Taipei Tech (Zhongxiao Xinsheng Metro Station) is approximately 30 minutes and the cost is NT$35 per trip.
Address: No.241, Sec. 1, Xuefu Rd., Tucheng Dist., New Taipei City 236, Taiwan
New Taipei Municipal New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School
23659新北市土城區學府路一段241號 新北高工學生宿舍
Room Type: 4-person rooms
Cost: NTD 7,850 per semester, plus NTD 1,000 deposit, which will be refunded when checking out. There is a 50% discount for Overseas Chinese students. Extra fees will be charged for using air-conditioners and laundry machines.
For travel directions, please refer to the Dormitories Section in the Guide for New Students.